New Russian Smart Missile Deployed in Combat

LAGUK-Media Yury Laskin03.07.2022 Russia
New Russian Smart Missile Deployed in Combat

New Russian Smart Missile Deployed in Combat

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The Russian Air & Space Forces (VKS) have employed the latest high-precision 305 aircraft missiles in Ukraine.

The weapon was fired to destroy crucial military facilities and combat targets. The data was released by the “highly informed source” who spoke to local media.

The speaker claimed the missiles were launched from the Mi-28NM attack helicopters against the important facilities such as warehouses with ammunition, fuel and lubricants.

He also stated “the new missile provides high accuracy in hitting targets with a deviation from the aiming line of no more than two meters.”

The source disclosed two variants of the missile use. With the “fire-and-forget” option, the target is captured by the missile optoelectronic homing head (GOS) being still on the helicopter suspension, while after launch the ammunition becomes completely autonomous.

Another option is the telecontrol mode when the missile is launched against the hostile target on the transmitted coordinates while the target itself is out of the operator’s sight.

In this case, the missile flies in inertial mode. Approaching the target, the missile seeker turns on to transmit an image at the operator’s screen. The operator determines the target to complete firing.

“Product 305” was first presented at the Army-2021 Forum at the High Precision Weapons Holding exposition. The missile was developed by the Kolomna-based KBM Design Bureau, HPW subsidiary. This weapon is designed to defeat single and group stationary and moving targets day and night.

The range of the rocket is 14.5 kilometers, its launch weight is 105 kilograms including high-explosive fragmentation warhead of 25 kilograms.


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