JGO Appoints Director of Conventional Weapons Destruction

10.08.2016 North America
JGO Appoints Director of Conventional Weapons Destruction

JGO Appoints Director of Conventional Weapons Destruction

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Janus Global Operations (JGO), the world’s largest demining and UXO clearance company, announced that Elizabeth Jordan Wilhelm has joined the Company as its new Director of conventional weapons destruction and unexploded ordnance clearance.

“Jordan is a former U.S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer whose tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan gave her in-the-field experience that will be invaluable to JGO's commercial and government clients. This role brings with it significant responsibilities we're confident Jordan will fulfill with great success,” said Alan Weakley, JGO President and chief operating officer. 

Wilhelm served in the Army from 2005 to 2015, receiving her explosive ordnance handling and demolition training at Redstone Arsenal, AL and Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal in Eglin, FL. During her service she was deployed three times to Iraq and Afghanistan and managed explosive emergency response for military and civil authorities throughout the East Coast.

“My goal is to use best data collection and operations management practices to get the greatest efficiency and safety for our clients and the communities they support,” Wilhelm said.

“What JGO does in regions contaminated with mines and other unexploded ordnance is enabling residents to rebuild and reclaim their land for productive use.  We work with government and development partners to help displaced people return home and give citizens the tools to safely access areas and resources impacted by conflict,” she added.

Jordan will be working from JGO's Reston, Virginia office.  JGO has 22 offices in 16 countries.

In addition to demining and unexploded ordnance mitigation, JGO’s services include: risk management and maritime consultancy; intelligence support; communications; life support; environmental remediation; and others in some of the world's most challenging and difficult environments.

JGO has more than 7,500 employees working in multiple countries. 


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