The ALFA 4000 Frigates of Navantia

Photo © Navantia: The ALFA 4000 Frigate of Navatia09.07.2020 North America
The ALFA 4000 Frigates of Navantia

The ALFA 4000 Frigates of Navantia

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Navantia has a long tradition in the design and construction of surface combatant vessels with 13 frigates built in the last 20 years for Spanish, Norwegian and Australian Navies, and two important projects under construction at the moment: five F110 class frigrates for Spain and five Avante 2200 light for Saudi Arabia.

Both projects incorporate the modern features and state-of-the-art digital technologies. The Avante 2200 in particular, feature the HAZEM Combat System, which is a technology developed by the Joint Venture between Sami and Navantia (known as SamiNavantia), and is based on well proven combat system solutions developed by Navantia for the Spanish and other international navies. The HAZEM combat system aspires to become the standard of the Saudi Royal Naval Forces, and can be implemented in new builts or used for fleet modernizations.

The baseline ALFA 4000 frigate sits between the above mentioned concepts, she retains the hydrodynamic characteristics throughout family members thanks to their modular design, allowing great commonality in the design solutions and, therefore, provides a high reliability and design robustness, while allowing high adaptability to specific mission requirements of each Navy

The Alfa4000 incorporates a powerful Combat System, high automation levels, enhanced survivability, helicopter facilities, multimission spaces and high accommodation standard. As a digital and intelligent ship, deploys a range of new capabilities thanks to the services of her on-board Digital Twin. Especially relevant are those related to supporting decision-making in operations efficiency, damage control and operational availability, involving both functional systems and on-board personnel.

This suite of state-of-the-art digital applications constitutes a multiplier of operational capacity and at the same time an optimizer of operating and maintenance costs.

Furthermore, this intelligent digital capacity is scalable and can be oriented to customer priorities and future mission profiles, including semi-autonomous, small-scale and autonomous operation.

ALFA 4000 (120 m. long, 17 m. wide and a full load displacement of 4500 tons) is the big brother of the ALFA family with relevant members in operation (4 for Venezuela) or construction (5 for Saudi Arabia). At the same time, the ALFA family shares some key features with the AVANTE OPVs family, with high combatant capacity and more than 10 ships in operation for the Spanish navy (know under the acronym of BAM).

The ALFA 4000 is becoming a highly demanded product with solutions being offered for countries in South America, South East Asia and the Middle East.

Navantia ALFA 4000 Combat System is based on the experience on F100 and F105 AEGIS Frigates, SCOMBA Spanish Navy Ships, other ALFA family members and AVANTE series transferred to SCOMBA F110.

The ALFA 4000 Combat System design includes the features necessary to meet safety, human factors, electromagnetic compatibility, reliability, maintainability and security requirements.

The Spanish shipbuilder Navantia, is a world reference in the design, construction and integration of state-of-the-art war ships, as well as ship repairs & modernizations. It is also engaged in the design and manufacture of Integrated Platform Management Systems, Fire Control Systems, Command and Control systems, Propulsion Plants and through life support for all its products. Even though its main line of activity is in the naval field, Navantia designs and manufactures systems for the Army and the Air Force.

NAVANTIA belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which is made up by a total of 15 state-owned companies in which it has a direct majority shareholding participation and which employ more than 78,000 professionals. It also has a foundation and direct minority participations in a further nine companies and indirect participations in more than one hundred companies. 


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