Bahrain, Oman’s Special Forces Conclude ‘Protective Shield 12’ Joint Drill

BNA Photo: BNA03.11.2023 Bahrain
Bahrain, Oman’s Special Forces Conclude ‘Protective Shield 12’ Joint Drill

Bahrain, Oman’s Special Forces Conclude ‘Protective Shield 12’ Joint Drill

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The joint drill, “Protective Shield 12”, carried out by the Bahrain Defence Force, represenbted by the Royal Special Force, with the participation of the Sultan's Special Force, from the Omani Armed Forces, concluded in Bahrain Wednesday.

Major-General Shaikh Ali bin Rashid Al Khalifa, Bahrain’s Assistant Chief of Staff for Human Resources, and Major General Muslim bin Mohammed bin Taman Jaaboub, Commander of the Sultan’s Special Force in Oman, were present, Bahrain News Agency (BNA) reported.

The joint exercise featured a number of practical applications, field maneuvers, and special military operations, which aim to enrich, refine, and develop combat command concepts to accommodate the requirements of joint military action for the participating Special Forces from the two countries, given their effective role in raising the level of military efficiency, as well as increasing harmony and the spirit of unified joint action.

Earlier, Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defence Force (BDF), received in Manama Wednesday (photo) Major General Muslim bin Mohammed bin Taman Jaaboub, Commander of the Sultan’s Special Force in Oman.

Lieutenant-General Abdulla bin Hassan Al Noaimi, Defence Affairs Minister, and Lieutenant-General Theyab bin Saqr Al Noaimi, BDF Chief of Staff, were present.

The BDF Chief affirmed the depth of the Bahraini-Omani relations, hailing the steady progress of bilateral ties across various fields, especially the military one.

In another development, Lieutenant General Abdullah bin Hassan Al Nuaimi, Bahrain’s Defence Affairs Minister, hosted Wednesday a dinner banquet in honour of Vice Admiral Charles B. Cooper II, Commander of US Naval Forces Central Command, Commander of the US Fifth Fleet, and Commander of Combined Maritime Forces, and Commodore Philip Dennis, UK Maritime Component Command (UKMCC).

Colonel Joshua Lasky, Deputy Commander of the US Naval Forces Central Command (Centcom) was delegated by Vice Admiral Cooper to attend the banquet.

Rear Admiral Mohammed Yousef Al Asam, Royal Bahrain Naval Force Commander; Senior BDF Officers and Colonel Christopher Floyd, the Military Attaché at the US embassy in Bahrain, attended the event. 


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