GCC, US Forces Begin ‘Eagle Resolve 23’ Military Exercise in Saudi Arabia

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GCC, US Forces Begin ‘Eagle Resolve 23’ Military Exercise in Saudi Arabia

GCC, US Forces Begin ‘Eagle Resolve 23’ Military Exercise in Saudi Arabia

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U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM), Saudi Armed Forces, and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) partner nations started Sunday exercise Eagle Resolve 23 at the Air Warfare Centre at King Abdulaziz Air Base, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This exercise strengthens collective U.S.-Saudi and GCC readiness and improves the interoperability of the forces, contributing to regional stability.

“CENTCOM is committed to strengthening military-to-military relations throughout the region,” said General Michael “Erik” Kurilla, Commander of CENTCOM.

“Exercises like Eagle Resolve provide opportunities to demonstrate U.S.-Saudi military cooperation and deepen interoperability across the GCC all while advancing the security and stability in the Middle East,” he added.

The exercise will continue into June and aims to improve the interoperability of GCC partner nations, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman.

Eagle Resolve 23 is a scenario-driven command post exercise linked with field training exercises and senior leader seminars. It is designed to develop and employ a Combined Joint Task Force capable of responding to the complexity of regional threats by developing a regional approach for Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD).

“The overarching objective is to protect populations and infrastructures,” US Air Force Major General Steven J. deMilliano, Director of the Exercises and Training Directorate at USCENTCOM, said during the initiation of Eagle Resolve 23’s planning conference.

“This exercise is designed to enhance regional, civil and military interoperability along with process development, honing the skills necessary to implement crisis management and defend the skies from inbound threats,” he said.

The exercise, which first took place in 1999, consists of scenarios such as air defence concepts, counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), counter-terrorism operations, border security operations and inter-ministerial co-ordination.

These scenarios are meant to implement crisis management initiatives, increase counter-terrorism and irregular warfare capabilities, and enhance military co-operation between armed forces to address a regional crisis.

Planners also seek to develop command, control and communications systems in a multi-service and international environment, and deliver military support for government ministries and institutions.

Participating GCC members will contribute a combination of land, maritime and air assets as well as trained personnel.

Eagle Resolve exercises typically involve countries from across the region but also bring in militaries from further afield. In 2015, Kuwait hosted one of the larger training events, with military personnel from 29 contributing countries.

Previous exercises have involved Bahrain, the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Egypt. 


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