Algerian Chief of Staff Inaugurates Annual Seminar on “National Defence Facing Cognitive Warfare”

05.06.2024 Algeria
Algerian Chief of Staff Inaugurates Annual Seminar on “National Defence Facing Cognitive Warfare”

Algerian Chief of Staff Inaugurates Annual Seminar on “National Defence Facing Cognitive Warfare”

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General Saïd Chanegriha, Chief of People National Army (PNA) Staff presided, Monday, 3rd June, 2024, at the National Army Circle, in Béni Messous, the opening of the work of a national seminar entitled “National Defence in the face of cognitive warfare”.

Present in this seminar were: The Algerian Prime Minister, Ministers, advisors to the President of the Republic, the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, the Commanders of the Forces and the National Gendarmerie, the Commander of the 1st Military Region, Chiefs of Departments, Directors and Chiefs of Central Services of the Ministry of National Defence and the PNA General Staff, as well as senior executives and university professors.

The seminar began with an opening speech delivered by General Chanegriha, in which he underlined the importance of the topic of this seminar, which takes place in a complex geopolitical context throughout the world, the Algerian Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

“The organization of this national seminar, entitled “National Defence in the face of cognitive warfare”, takes place in a regional and international geopolitical context, characterized by mutations, the complexity of crises and the tangle of threats, which makes anticipating its future development very difficult,” General Chanegriha said.

“This national seminar, which deals with one of the most dangerous forms of war for the conscience of people and the stability of States, aims to shed light and raise awareness of the strategic seriousness of what could be brewing against our country, by exploiting 5th generation warfare technologies,” he added.

“As such, with a view to winning the development challenges, initiated by our country, under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defence, it belongs to all the actors nationals, namely, State institutions, civil society, elites and all categories of citizens, to unite their efforts, in order to strengthen the systemic stability of the State and to fight, effectively, against possible hostilities,” he stressed.

At the end of his speech, General Chanegriha announced the official opening of the work of the conference.

During the scheduled conferences, participating professors and experts addressed the concept of cognitive warfare and its forms, the risks and threats generated by it, as well as the means to deal with it, from a studied perspective, particularly in an international context marked by a dissolution of borders between the state of peace and war, as well as an exacerbation of cross-border asymmetric threats.

These conferences were punctuated by debates and interventions by experts and executives, who gave conceptions and ideas that contributed to the enrichment of this conference and its recommendations.

In another development, General Chanegriha paid a working and inspection visit to the 5th Military Region in Constantine on Tuesday.

Accompanied by Major General Noureddine Hambli, Commander of the 5th Military Region, the General inaugurated a specialized consultation centre under the military health services in Mansoura, where detailed presentations were presented to him by the officials responsible for the implementation and the administration of this Centre, before inspecting its various services and amenities and receiving exhaustive explanations on the services it offers to military personnel and their right holders.

This was followed by an orientation meeting with the executives and staff of the Region, where General Chanegriha delivered a speech which was followed by videoconference by all the units of the Region, in which he warned against the upward trend in the phenomenon of drug trafficking of all kinds towards our country.

At the end of this meeting, General Chanegriha gave a set of guidelines and instructions to the personnel of the Region, relating in particular to the continuation of efforts, aimed at bringing together all the security conditions during the next summer season in benefit of citizens. Furthermore, he was keen to highlight the results they have recorded in the fight against terrorism and all forms of organized crime. (Source & Photo © Algerian Ministry of Defence)


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