Saudi, US Marine Corps Forces Begin Native Fury 22 Exercise

11.08.2022 KSA
Saudi, US Marine Corps Forces Begin Native Fury 22 Exercise

Saudi, US Marine Corps Forces Begin Native Fury 22 Exercise

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Central Command began Exercise NATIVE FURY 22, on August 9, 2022. In its 8th iteration, NF 22 is a biennial MARCENT-led exercise focused on the demonstration of the rapid offload and integration of a Maritime Pre-Positioned Force in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility in support of regional security, crisis response, and contingency operations. Supported by the U.S. Army’s 1st Theater Sustainment Command, the exercise is utilizing the port facilities at Yanbu and Al Bayadh, Prince Sultan SAU Air Base.

MPF operations are the rapid deployment and assembly of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force in a secure area using inter-theater airlift and forward-deployed maritime pre-positioning ships. The operation is a strategic deployment option that is global in nature, naval in character, and suitable for various employment scenarios. MAGTFs are a balanced air-ground, combined arms task organization of Marine Corps forces under a single commander.

This year’s iterations of NF 22 incorporates Marines and Sailors assigned to Combat Logistic Regiment 1, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California. Aboard the USNS Seay (T-AKR-302), Blount Island Command, the vessel delivered and offloaded the full capability of the MAGTF with approximately 300 Vehicles, a tactical operations centers, cyber and network communication capabilities to support more than 1,000 Marines and Sailors. In coordination with SAU, and supported by 1 TSC, the MAGTF demonstrated a rapid and effective movement to a designated location as part of the exercise. MARCENT’s effective receipt, offload, organization, and movement of MAGTF forces, commonly known as Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration, enables the USCENTCOM combatant commander the flexibility to task the MAGTF to support a variety of U.S. and regional partner missions and operations.

SAU’s effective capability to provide the access and infrastructure to support this exercise is a demonstration of our strong interoperability and their enduring commitment to the security and stability of the region. SAU enables USMARCENT and USCENTCOM to receive and employ forces and resources rapidly in the region through geographic access and staging points. Our enduring partnership of over 70 years with SAU is a pillar in regional security, stability, and deterrence of malign actor activity.

Source: U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Central Command (USCENTCOM); Photo © Saudi Press Agency (SPA)




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