Chief of GCC Unified Military Command Visits Oman

ONA20.03.2019 Oman
Chief of GCC Unified Military Command Visits Oman

Chief of GCC Unified Military Command Visits Oman

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Lt. General Eid bin Awad al-Shalawi, Commander of the GCC Unified Military Command (UMC) and his accompanying delegation arrived in Muscat on a several-day visit to the Sultanate of Oman.

He was received at A’Seeb Air Base (photo) by Lt. General Ahmed bin Harith al-Nabhani, Chief-of-Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces, a number of senior officers and the Military Attaché at the Saudi Embassy in the Sultanate, Oman News Agency (ONA) reported.

Meanwhile, Rear Admiral Abdullah bin Khamis al-Raeesi, Commander of the Royal Navy of Oman received in his office at Mu’askar Al Murtafa’a Captain Hussain al-Ajmi, Commander of the Combined Task Force (151) in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The meeting exchanged views and discussed a number of matters in the navy areas.

The meeting was attended by a number of senior RNO officers.

The GCC Commander and his accompanying delegation also visited the Maritime Security Center (MSC), where they were received by Commodore Mansoor bin Mohammed al-Kharousi, Head of MSC.

During the visit, the guest and his accompanying delegation were briefed on MSC operations, roles and prerogatives. 

For his part, Sayyid Badr bin Saud bin Harib al-Busaidi, Minister Responsible for Oman’s Defense Affairs also received the Commander of the GCC Unified Military Command (UMC) and his accompanying delegation.

The two sides exchanged cordial conversations and reviewed fields of the military cooperation. They also discussed issues of common concern.

The meeting was attended by Lt. General Ahmed bin Harith al-Nabhani, Chief-of- Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces (SAF).

Al-Nabhani also separately received in his office Lt. General Eid bin Awad al-Shalawi, Commander of the GCC Unified Military Command (UMC) and his accompanying delegation.

The two sides exchanged viewpoints and discussed issues of common concern.

Lastly, General Sultan bin Mohammed al-Nu’amani, Minister of the Royal Office received Lt. General Eid bin Awad al-Shalawi, Commander of the GCC Unified Military Command (UMC).

At the beginning of the meeting, General al-Nu’amani welcomed the guest and his accompanying delegation, commending what was achieved during the 10th Joint Exercise of the Peninsula Shield, which was recently conducted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

On his turn, the guest stressed keenness of the GCC Unified Military Command to enhance areas of the military cooperation between the GCC countries, as well as the march of the GCC joint military action and means of promoting it.

The meeting was attended by Lt. General Ahmed bin Harith al-Nabhani, Chief-of- Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces. 


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