Iraqi Homeland & Border Control Conference

09.02.2011 Iraq
Iraqi Homeland & Border Control Conference

Iraqi Homeland & Border Control Conference

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New-Fields announced the first Iraqi Homeland & Border Control Conference scheduled for April 7-8, 2011 in the Washington area.

The two-day conference will welcome tens of experts and will cover a wide range of subjects related to shaping the future of Iraq’s Homeland and Border Control.

 Senior Officials from the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, Iraq’s largest employer with a 600,000 work force will provide first-hand insight from important organizations that include:

- General Jumaa Saadoon, Deputy Commander, Border Control Forces.
- General  Hassan Khader, Assistant Deputy Minister Finance and Administrative Affairs, National
  Investigation and Information.
- General Aziz Thabet, Assistant Deputy Minister, National Investigation and Information.
- General Jassem Jawad Ali, Director General, Contracts.
- General Ali Hashim Baday, Director General, Border Entries.
- General Adel Deham Fahad, Commander, Basra Province Police Command.
- Brig. General Salah Noori Al Bayaty, Oil Police Deputy Director, Ministry of Oil.
- General Haleem Hassan, Ministry Office Director, Ministry of Interior.

The event’s agenda will cover a range of topics including:

- Iraqi Homeland and Border Control challenges.
- Iraqi Homeland Security priorities and immediate needs.
- Iraqi Ministry of Interior Procurement process.


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