Jordanian Army Chief, Somali Defense Minister Discuss Military Cooperation

Petra The Jordan Times13.07.2023 Jordan
Jordanian Army Chief, Somali Defense Minister Discuss Military Cooperation

Jordanian Army Chief, Somali Defense Minister Discuss Military Cooperation

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Chairman of the Jordanian Joint Chiefs of Staff Major General Yusef Hunaiti welcomed Tuesday a Somali delegation led by Defense Minister Abdul Qadir Mohamed Nur.

The Minister was accorded full military honors upon arrival at the General Command Headquarters of the Jordan Armed Forces- Arab Army (JAF), where he was greeted by a Guard of Honor.

During their meeting, Hunaiti and Nur discussed the future of military cooperation between the Jordanian and Somali Armies, in addition to regional and international developments, Petra news agency reported.

Army Officers also gave briefings on the development and modernization of weapons and equipment and updated tasks by JAF, taking into consideration the nature of developments in the region at various levels.

Hunaiti said Jordan and Somalia have a common interest to enhance security, peace and stability in the region and the world, and strengthen cooperation between their Armed Forces.

The Somali Defense Minister said his country has for years faced the problem of terrorism that posed a major and dangerous challenge to its security and stability.

He said Somalia has an urgent need to benefit from the expertise of JAF in combating terrorism and develop its Army’s capabilities to counter terrorist groups.

It’s worthwhile noting that the Chairman of the Jordanian Joint Chiefs of Staff Major General Yousef Hunaiti received last week an Emirati military delegation, headed by Major General Mubarak Neyadi, at General Command of Jordan Armed Forces (JAF)-Arab Army.

During the meeting, Hunaiti discussed with the UAE delegation, ways to strengthen bilateral relations, as well as joint military cooperation and coordination aimed to serve interests of the two countries’ Armed Forces.

A number of Senior JAF Officers attended the meeting. 



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